Tuesday 13 October 2009

Its so hard to be consiously creative

Its been a while again. But not as long as before so its OK in my mind. HA!
Thinking of something in a creative manner has never been my strong suit. I mean. I would class myself as the artistic type, but its more of an accidental kind of creativity. I am so crap at planning something of value. Which is why I am having such a hard time trying to pick a business name for me and my sisters makeup business. Its driving me insane actually, because I can never stop trying to come up with a name. Even when I think I'm not doing it, I am... which is a pain in the backside, if you ask me. Which you didn't. But there it is anyway!
You see, the business mobile phone has been purchased. And the business cards are almost finished, design wise. So all we need is a business name... something make-up-y and beauty-like... but its so hard to come up with something that's not cheesy or just plain crapola!!! Once we have this name, we can print cards. Advertise. Set up a website. Set up the email address. So its a damn nightmare. Because so much stock is going to be put into this name. I need some help. Please. Someone just start suggesting something and maybe if we pool our inner thought demons, we can come up with something half decent!
In the mean time. When I'm not trying to think of 'the name', I haven't been up to much. Well. I went to London for a quick trip with some girly pals of mine. Which was nice, but exhausting, so it was lucky I took the following week off work. Which again, was exhausting. But still. SO worth it, because I got to chill out. But I have to admit, I have been a bit down the past few weeks, because my friends (even though they haven't said anything to me properly), think I am ditching them to spend time with my boyfriend. Which I'm not. Because I always try to see them when I can, its just when they do want to arrange something, I'm usually already pre-booked with something or someone else. Which isn't my fault, but I know they kind of see it as me consciously not spending time with them. Its a pain. Because that's what happened with one of my friends a few years back, and now we don't see her. And a passing comment was made the other day that there might be 'a similar situation' going on. Which I didn't even know about until it was said, and as soon as it was said, my mood hit an all time low. Its just a bit crap. Because I don't think people realise how hard it sometimes is to fit another person into your life and try to re-jig everything else to fit around that. I'm still trying to find the balance, and I'm a little upset that that hasn't been acknowledged. But Hey Ho. That's life.
I don't really like Facebook at the moment. I don't really like Twitter either. But with FB, its the constant updates of what people are doing on the Internet. Not what they are doing in general. Its more of an annoyance at the fact that everyday I get little updates saying someone has completed a quiz, and these are their results. OR someone has completed another level of this game... and THESE are their results. I don't care. Because it seems these people have way too much time on their hands, playing stupid games, and I'm both annoyed and grouchy... Its the classic feeling of feeling like you're the only person on the damn thing that only has time to do a quick wall post to someone for a catch up, and then naff off to do something real. In the real world. Like bake a cake. Or darn a sock. ha.
Its Autumn again and I love it. Although it makes me sad that this time last year I was in Paris. But... I love British autumn. I need to go taking photos before its all over. Its almost Halloween too, and I have been planning a kick ass party, with strobe lights, and fake graves, and... that's pretty much it, but it will be good. Now all I have to do is actually bring it all together somehow and make it happen. But, like they all say. It'll be alright on the night. I hope.
I'll keep you posted. You give me business name ideas!


Christian H said...

1) Psalm 55. You'll see why. (I think I remember that you're religious. If you're not, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable.
2) There are lots of people on Facebook who spend little time on it or don't play games on it. You just can't tell, because you don't leave evidence of an absence.
3) I tried coming up with a make-up business name, but instead came up with things that sounded like medical procedures or nonsense. Blah.

Braden Matt said...

I'll try and think of something, but you'll probably end up laughing and wished that you never posted that. It might be a good laugh though. Good laughs are always good. Keep smilin. Cheers!

Helena said...

I'll get back to you on the make-up idea as I'm visiting my wee sis soon and she's a smart-arse! My own suggestions are:

1. Blush Enough?
2. Make Up Your Mind Up!
3. Subtle Strokes.
4. Blenderbrush.
5. Colourbox.

All silly but you may have it all sorted by now anyhow! I know how important names are.

Friends and boyfriends are never pleased Sam. Despite having good friends they can get a bit selfish (in my experience anyhow). Try not to feel too bad about it. There's enough love to go round, it's just convincing them that that's hard!

And facebook does my tits in as well. I visit there a lot as it's where I find my daughter often and we exchange pics and so on. I've had to 'hide' the friends that take up too much update space. Some I've only added out of politeness.

Hopefully you'll be popping up some Autumn snaps soon. I'll pop back soon anyhow....x

Helena said...

Is the business up and running? I know it's been a little while since you posted so hopefully (if that makes sense) it's because things have taken off!

I'll keep popping by!


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