Tuesday, 10 July 2012

spiderman, spiderman.

Hello world!
So, I went to see 2 films yesterday at my local cinemaaaar. What were those two films? I hear you ask. Well. Hold on, damn it. You're so impatient.

The first one was... Katy Perry: 3D. Don't judge. Look, I pay a set price every month for the cinema so I can go as many times as I want and yes, OK, there is no glossing over the fact that I did indeed choose to watch this film. But... I love Katy Perry! Her songs are the best pop songs in the history of pop. Kind of. Anyway, all you need to know is I enjoyed it thoroughly. I was quite sad when her and Russell broke up, but you know what, she deserves better. There, I said it. Yes, I am too emotionally involved in her life. Whatever!

The 2nd film I watched yesterday was The Amazing Spiderman (aka Spiderman. They named it 'The Amazing' as they wanted to A. distance it from the Toby Maguire series, and 2. because they wanted to make people aware that they have actually chosen to go down the route of the alternate story. More on this later). I really enjoyed it. I like the 'original', if you can call it that, but this one was fun and I liked the alternative story of how he got the spider bite, and who his parents were (are??) and I liked that his girlfriend was the quirky Gwen Stacey rather than plain old Mary-Jane ( aka 'MJ', ergh). I liked the way his abilities were more spider-like and I liked that he didn't have organic web. Yes, that is the main difference with this series really - in one version of the comic books Spidey has the organic web we are so aware of. You know, his 'thwip-thwip' pressing of the palm with his fingers spiderwebbing that he shoots around the place. In this one he has created this webbing himself. Kind of. And it's a good story and all works well together. Down points, if I could call them that, is that it's not THAT much different from the other Spiderman film looks wise. The effects are better but only just and some of the cinematography is really similar. I know, that's picky because it's set in NY, so what else are they going to show, but I just mean the actually 'look' of it is, well, I guess Marvel have a specific vision so I should just shut up. I loved the score, but it too had a certain tone and melody that tied it in with the other films. Maybe it was done on purpose. I'll never know... unless I google it. Which I won't.

I recommend both of these films, by the way. I do!

Right, I should really be DIY-ing, but I have sores on my hands from screwdrivering! Humph!



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