Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas


Its not, but today I had that Christmas-y feel. I can't be the only one who gets that... its like, a feeling... that's specific to a certain time of year. I guess I felt goodwill to all man or something. Except I didn't, because I was at work at the time, getting trained on something... voluntarily. Yes, I said it! I volunteered to be trained on this subject. Wowzer. Maybe that's what brought this feeling on.. maybe I am more bookish in the winter months..? It could be true. Just yesterday I looked outside and saw it was raining, and so I thought to myself "Sam (Yes, I speak to myself like I am not myself), Sam (I said), Maybe its time you started that new Stephen King book you bought the other day, you know, the one you bought even though you said you weren't going to buy anymore books until you have read every last one of the ones you bought previous to this internal discussion...?"
Of course, I chose to ignore myself, because at the end of it all, I didn't feel like reading at all (trust my internal dialogue person to butt into my music listening, email writing time!!). But that must be it! When the weather isn't so savory, I want to bury my head in knowledge. Perhaps knowledge is the kindle to the souls fire, and if the soul is warm, so is the body? Yeah. A load of old crap. But hey! They pay me to make this stuff up on the spot.
Ok ok. So I don't get paid... damn it. I should get paid, right?!
Listening to music is once again my main focus in life. But I am in the age old spot of what to listen to. I was shown this music programme the other day and I haven't looked back. But as it turns out, the blessing is also a curse. Too much choice isn't always good for you. Especially when you don't actually KNOW what you want to listen to. Bring back Internet radios, that fine tune your listening and suggest artists you might like... what? They are still out there? Phew! Ok! I will still keep good old Jango in my favorite toolbar!
I was given a postcard of an artist yesterday by a friend, Just Lianne, and honestly, this guy is a great artist. Just check out his site. I love finding cool little arty things through other people - so thanks, Li-Li, for ripping the post card out of the book for me, and wrecking the perfectly kept cards - I will treasure it forever! Sadly, I can't find the one I have in postcard form on the website, but hit the link for James Jean and be away with yea!
Sorry for all the links. I am just in a linking mood right now! HA!
Life has been super mad-hectic recently. I don't even know why, but I have been busy pretty much every night of the week for the past couple of weeks. Which A. isn't like me, and 2. Isn't like, me. (you have to imagine me saying the last point with an American twang, like, totally...)
I am such a lazy bugger, I love staying in 60% of the time, and then thinking about going out 40% of the time. But I haven't had a choice. I have been trying to squeeze seeing friends into the week, as well as squeezing in seeing the B'f. I ain't complaining, because I do actually like the fact that I have stuff to do, but please... just a few days off? I really need a holiday. I dream of fiji... *sigh*, although I don't want to go back to Fiji.. its Aaaages away. I need a break from work etc. I really need to go back to America for a while, and I really want to hit the Cannucks side of things at some point too! Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah. Busy, busy, busy. But its all good.
I have been putting make up skills into practise - already have 1 wedding under my belt, and I have another one on Saturday, only thing is, its not just a show up, throw some make up at some faces, and go and get in the bath... no... alas, this is a friends wedding! So, I have to be up and out for 9 and then that's me out for the rest of the night. no rest for the wicked it seems. I have to take all my own stuff and get ready on the road (not literally outside, on the road.. can you say Brrrr?). I like home comforts when I am getting ready. But I guess i can make do. It wouldn't be so bad if my car was available, but my brother basically killed it. I would be madder, but I am just glad my brother is OK, so I can't be 'mad' mad about it, but it does put a slight damper on the whole freedom thing. I have to get lifts everywhere.. this wedding being one of them, and yes. I have already been through the ordeal of having to get a new outfit for the wedding. Today, Actually.
I hate shopping with a firey passion. Not because i hate clothes, but because nothing looks good on me. Ever. I just hate putting clothes on and feeling crap, and that's what shopping is for me. But in the end of a painful 2 hours shop, I got a canary yellow dress (which will be re-used for any other wedding I may attend, if I make it through this one alive), with some cute little black shoes, with purple on them (yellow and purple.. its ALL the rage!). I guess its not so bad. I can afford to spend however much I spent - luxury of living at home, although I have decided just recently that I COULD live without such luxuries - and plan to go through all my expenses and see how much goes out each month, and on what... I might have to cancel some subscriptions (the charity can go, but I am keeping my cinema pass) - and now I have a new car on the way, I have to see what that will set me back, but the final decision of the past week has been that I need to move out. And find a job I actually like.
The joys of being at the decision stage of my life. Luckily I have a good support system with my friends, and my new (ish.. is he still new? I don't know anymore), fella. Still, I will miss my Just Lianne - Just keep in touch, and let me know when you have a new place. I am SO coming to see you!
And that's all she wrote!
On a P.S note - I saw Harry Potter the other day... it was OK - except the lack of actual story and the sexual innuendos..... trust me, that wasn't a spoiler.


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